Defeated, Broken, Hurt Thoughts

What do you do when you are broken, mentally exhausted, and feel defeated? Sometimes I am so worried, so anxious, so hurt that I sometimes can’t think beyond a couple words. I need to cry out and allow myself to let some of my emotions out.

Not long ago, I had a moment like this.

I curled up on my bed and just kept repeating-

The Lord my God is my savior.

Over and over. When I feel like this, nothing helps. Not talking to a friend or eating ice cream. The only thing that ever makes me feel like there is hope, is repeating these words to myself over and over. Because God is hope and sometimes He is all you got, and that is more than enough to get you through whatever you are going through.

A lot of people see Christians and believe that we chose the easy life. That we haven’t had any hardships and that is why it is so “easy” to believe in God.

It is actually quite the opposite. Living our lives seeking God and following Jesus’ teachings is hard. It would be extremely easier to forgo everything we know about the bible and live a life ignoring our sin.

Choosing to live your life for Him is not easy. You will be tested and put through trials, but that is the beauty of faith. I know in my heart that no matter what I am going through, God will pull me out of the situation I am in and make me a stronger and better person because of it.  He is good.

Jesus did not come to earth and claim that we would live an easy life. He came to spread his glory throughout the world, and to show us the sin we are living in and that we will never be able to handle the hardships of this world on our own.

But with God, we can handle anything. Because He is the Almighty, the Great I Am, the Redeemer, the King of Kings.

So when you are on the floor, crying out because you are hurting, find comfort in the great love of our God.

With love,


Related post: 4 Truths About Grief 

3 thoughts on “Defeated, Broken, Hurt Thoughts

  1. This entire post has been my life in one season or another. I remember a few months ago feeling completely frustrated and depleted. That’s when it hit me, I was doing this in my own might and I added God in as a second thought. When I learned and relearned this lesson life became a lot more manageable because I was not my only source and I had assurance to fall back on. I have continued to put my full weight in God, I’ve been able to see his love shine through me, reap benefits from slowing down and resting in him.

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